Trustworthness and thankful

Trustworthness and thankful are two very important values. First of all, trustwothness is a value that consist in trusting in someone, is having faith or believing. And thankful, is basically being grateful, for either something or someone, the word says it “thank”. Well, the way these two values reflect in the story are very evident and clear. The way the value trustwothness reflects in the story is, the way that I fell that none can be trust in the story, everyone has like a breaking point, you couldn’t trust the Devil for obvious reasons, he was the devil, but Tom in a way trusted the devil when he accepted the bargain. Things did go well for a couple of years for Tom. Until it was time for the devil to take him. In the story they also talked a lot about Tom´s relationship with his wife, the relationship was toxic, they would argue a lot, they would cheat, there was no trust, and in here the value of trustwothness was reflected perfectly, because it wasn’t present. Tom´s wife also hid a lot of their valuable things and didn’t tell tom were the things were, see, there was no trust. And the way the value “thankful”reflected, I think that the strongest reflection of this value is when Tom was thankful with the evil for killing his wife, witch we don’t know with a certain but it is a very strong assumption, because his wife was gone and he saw some human organs in the swamp, so we assume it was of his wife´s, but it never says it exactly. Another situation were this value reflects is when the devil gave Tom a lot of money and made him rich, and a money lender. The way this value (thankful) doesn’t reflect is because Tom´s wife wasn’t thankful for all the things he did for her.


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